Sunrise at Taroona Beach this morning

Taroona (an Aboriginal word meaning sea-shell) is a major residential suburb approximately 15 minutes drive from the centre of Hobart, Tasmania on the scenic route between Hobart and Kingston. Although on the edges of the City of Hobart, Taroona is actually part of the municipality of Kingborough.
The traditional owners of the lands now known as Taroona were the Aboriginal people of the Derwent estuary. Sadly relatively little is known about the indigenous people's use of these lands, although some shell middens are said to have been found along the shorelines.
In February 1967, southern Tasmania was engulfed in the most viscious wildfired on record, resulting in many deaths. Taroona was the closest suburb to the city of Hobart to take the full brunt of the fires, which swept across the suburb in the mid afternoon, wreaking havoc, and destroying many homes. Children and residents fled to the river, and many people's survival was due to the refuge the safe waters provided.
More recently, Taroona was the childhood home of Tasmanian-born Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark, who attended the river-side Taroona High School before completing her High Schooling at Mount Nelson's Hobart College and embarking on her tertiary degree at the University of Tasmania