Sunday, June 25, 2006


Bushwalking on Mount Wellington a few weeks back provided me with these wonderful images of how cold it had been for the past few days. I haven't ever really seen anything like this before but it was breathtaking. Standing amongst the 'frozen forest' all I could hear was the ice melting and hitting the ground.

Andrew and I completed a nice short walk called the Sphynx Rock track, which took about 45 minutes, and provided us with a breathtaking view of Hobart.


Samantha Cole-Surjan said...

Hi Kelly,
These images are breathtaking. Tasmania is such a beautiful place, lucky you being able to experience its beauty first hand. Keep em coming Kelly, you are truly talented!
xx Sam

Darren Stones said...

Gidday Kel.

Terrific series of piccies you've captured. Looks a little on the chilly side but hey that's what has worked in your favour eh?

I take it Andrew wasn't game enough to go cavorting about the mountain top in his budgie smugglers this particular day! LOL.

Glad you and Andrew had a great day out and thanks for posting the piccies on your blog.

